Are you thinking about becoming a foster parent but wondering if it will mean less time for you to care for yourself? Self-care shouldn’t stop when you become a foster parent. For foster parents, self-care is essential to best care for the children in their care.

Why Self-Care Matters for Foster Parents
Self-care is important for many reasons. Here are reasons why it’s essential for foster parents:
Self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. It's a necessity when it comes to being healthy in body, mind, and heart while caring for children who need your full attention.
Self-care helps you to show up as your best self. It's a commitment to yourself and the children you care for to show up as your best self. When you’re not feeling your best, it’s harder to give your best to the children you care for.
Self-care ensures proper well-being. When foster parents take care of their mental health, they can be better able to support and love the children in their care.
Self-care brings joy to your life. Self-care is a vital part of experiencing the joy that life and loved ones have to offer.
Self-care provides balance. Stressors in life can be positive or negative. It’s important to balance out those negative emotions with positive ones. Self-care involves activities that make you feel better about yourself and increase the positive emotions in your life.
Self-Care Tips for Foster Parents
If becoming a foster parent is important to you, here are some tips that can guide you to ensure self-care is a priority in your life.
Know Your Limits
It’s important for you to know when you need a break. Ask for help when you need it. This doesn’t imply that you’re weak or that you can’t handle your responsibilities. But it does imply that you want to give the children you care for the best of you always.

Set Boundaries
It’s easy to give so much of yourself that you give all of yourself. When that happens, you deplete your energy and have nothing left to give. Know when to say no. Make sure your intent is understood in a kind and gentle way. Becoming overwhelmed only adds stress, which can lead to bad choices for everyone involved.
Seek Support
Make sure to surround yourself with a supportive group of individuals or groups you can talk to when your heart is heavy. It’s also great to have backups ready to step in and relieve you for a short period of time when necessary.

Practice Self-Compassion
It’s easy to be kinder to others than to yourself. But, as a foster parent, others depend on you, so it’s important to learn to go easy on yourself. Show yourself some grace, especially when you know you’re doing your best and giving all you have. Don’t be so hard on yourself; forgive and go easy when mistakes happen. When you can be forgiving to yourself, it will help you to handle the challenges of fostering a child who also needs forgiveness.
Nurture Physical Health
Make sure to take care of your body. Exercise regularly, eat healthy, and get plenty of sleep. Prioritizing your physical health will give you the energy you need to keep up with everything you need to do as a foster parent.
Make Time for What You Enjoy
Caring for a foster child is a rewarding responsibility. However, there may be other things you also enjoy doing. It’s important to make time for the things that bring you joy. Indulging in hobbies or other interests is necessary to keep your life balanced and fulfilled. This only tends to make you happier and a much more caring person to the child you’re fostering.

Appreciate the Small Wins
Acknowledge and celebrate every achievement in your life, regardless of how small. Acknowledging your success on this challenging journey of foster care keeps you motivated and encouraged to show up as your best self every time.
As a foster parent, investing time in yourself is an investment in the children you care for. Remember, self-care is an essential element and provides foster parents with the tools and resources needed to show up as their best to the kids in their care. Foster care is not the end of self-care; it’s a reason for it.
Are you ready to show up your best every time for a child that needs you? Then consider being a foster parent. Take our qualification quiz today, and let the journey begin!